Missouri, Athlete Mutiny and How it Could Destroy the NCAA

So by now we have all pretty much heard what is going on at the University of Missouri (Mizzou). If not let me give a very brief summary. **Updates after the timeline summary** September 12: Missouri Students Association president posts about a racial slur directed at him by an individual. October 5: Legion of Black […]

Sorting Out the Bridge Year

The New Jersey Bridge Year (or Gap Year) is raising a lot of questions from athletes and their parents regarding eligibility. So let’s sort this all out. What is the Bridge Year?The Bridge Year (as it is called in New Jersey) offers the ability for Class of 2021 and 2022 graduates to stay enrolled in […]

The True Story of What Our Founding Fathers Risked for This Country

In honor of the birth of this great country I am posting a retelling of the story of what our founding fathers sacrificed to have freedom and liberty in this country. May we all read these words and contemplate what they gave up for us. **** “Our Lives, Our Fortunes, Our Sacred Honor” It was […]

Recruiting Story: The Grades that Lost the Dollars

The year was 2012. A father brought in his son, a football player who was a bit unfocused. There is only so much a parent can do when their child is surrounded by an element of his peers who are not focused on success. That can be a very big distraction for a young person […]

Beware the Camp Trap

Spring means many things, rebirth, life, rejuvenation and the daily onslaught of the College Camp Invite. Thus begins the College Camp season and the daily onslaught seemingly does not end for the entire year. If you are a high school athlete, or a parent of one there’s no doubt that you have been barraged by […]

High School Athletes: Make Political Statements…At Your Own Risk

Recently there has been a lot of press about Colin Kaepernick and other NFL players who are kneeling for our country’s National Anthem. While that’s all well and good and protesting is their right, young athletes look up to these players and these young people do not quite understand either why this is happening, or […]