On The Radar: How Parents Kill Their Kids

We all know that parents love their kids. The sacrifices they make for their children are sometimes beyond comprehension. Parents will spend money for their athletes even if it means the parents have to go without. Parents will spend countless hours traveling to camps, colleges and events and spend even longer hours camped out watching […]

Beware the Camp Trap

Spring means many things, rebirth, life, rejuvenation and the daily onslaught of the College Camp Invite. Thus begins the College Camp season and the daily onslaught seemingly does not end for the entire year. If you are a high school athlete, or a parent of one there’s no doubt that you have been barraged by […]

On The Radar: What You Need to Increase Your Value to Recruiters

Recruiting is exhausting. It takes a tons of time, discipline, effort and patience. And for a 16 or 17-year-old young person, those are things you don’t really have. Recruiting is very much an adult level game with teenaged players on one side and that can make an already difficult situation sometimes seem impossible. So how […]

High School Athletes: Make Political Statements…At Your Own Risk

Recently there has been a lot of press about Colin Kaepernick and other NFL players who are kneeling for our country’s National Anthem. While that’s all well and good and protesting is their right, young athletes look up to these players and these young people do not quite understand either why this is happening, or […]